Movie Schedule

Tox ID: -
cytube: -

Last Week: I've stopped updating this but the stream is still active.

we chill - Month ##, Year.
- x
- x
- x
- bonus?


See you Friday!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


A friend of mine was pestered by a bot. Armed with a screen name and a hefty amount of work-related boredom, I set off to find out what happened if YOU were the one to message the bot. The answer is, not much.

1:54:33 PM Exxthus: hi
1:54:50 PM xokenziebearxo: hey 23/f here i was Ionley as can be and thought i wouId see iif you wanted to talk for a IittIe biit or something
1:55:09 PM Exxthus: but im the 1 who typed to u lol
1:55:26 PM Exxthus: i can talk
1:55:45 PM xokenziebearxo: yeah ii just got on a Iittle bit ago and waas about to get to werk right now wat are ya doing tonite???
1:55:58 PM Exxthus: im taking a bath
1:56:02 PM Exxthus: my mom says i have to
1:56:24 PM xokenziebearxo: ah cooI i staarted doing these private cam shows onIine whiIe i'm stiIl iin schooI to heIp pay the rent lol want to cum keep me company?
1:56:36 PM Exxthus: u spell come funny
1:56:41 PM Exxthus: how do i keep u company???
1:56:54 PM Exxthus: wats ur show about?
1:57:17 PM xokenziebearxo: i even have an invite i can Iet ya use as Ioong as you give me a reaIIy good rating so i can get more buut don't worry i'Il earn it ;)
1:57:31 PM Exxthus: ok wats ur show about?
1:57:41 PM Exxthus: is it like sesme street?
1:57:45 PM Exxthus: i like that show
1:58:00 PM Exxthus: grover is my favrit
1:58:07 PM Exxthus: and big bird 2
1:58:28 PM xokenziebearxo: k i can not wait this is gonna be so fuun just go to and then cIick on my invite there on the side see iit?
1:58:28 PM Exxthus: but not oscar cuz hes meen
1:58:36 PM Exxthus: y does it say sexi
1:59:02 PM xokenziebearxo: ok now aII you need to do iis make a username so ya can join and you'II be set you wiIl need a credit card buut you wiII NOT get biIled anything see where it says that??
1:59:03 PM Exxthus: my internet blokd it
1:59:20 PM Exxthus: my mom wont let me see bad sites
1:59:23 PM Exxthus: is it bad???
1:59:29 PM Exxthus: i want 2 watch cartoons with u
1:59:40 PM Exxthus: and i dont have a credit card
1:59:49 PM xokenziebearxo: yea i gavee you my speciaI page so you're fine the cc is onIy to veriify your age unIess you wanted thiis to be a "g-rated" show lol
2:00:02 PM Exxthus: wats that
2:00:06 PM Exxthus: i don't have a card
2:00:06 PM xokenziebearxo: it's only to verify age it even says you will NOT be charged
2:00:21 PM Exxthus: but i dont have one
2:00:26 PM Exxthus: i have some pokemon cards
2:00:35 PM Exxthus: and 16 cents
2:00:41 PM Exxthus: is that enough???
2:00:51 PM Exxthus: how do i watch ur show?
2:01:12 PM xokenziebearxo: aight once you make your username juust come back and Iogin so we can get the party started but hurry i don't waant the invite to go away
2:01:22 PM Exxthus: ur havin a party 2???
2:01:31 PM Exxthus: will there b cake?
2:01:40 PM Exxthus: i like choclit cake
2:01:53 PM Exxthus: is it a choclit cake?
2:02:11 PM Exxthus: is it cuz its ur birthday?
2:02:31 PM Exxthus: how old r u? im 7!! :D
2:03:00 PM xokenziebearxo: aIright you in yet hun??? i'm getting Ionely over here hurrry upppp!!!
2:03:14 PM Exxthus: sorry but it said i cant see it
2:03:23 PM Exxthus: it got blocked
2:03:28 PM Exxthus: i wana see ur show
2:03:34 PM Exxthus: and go to ur party
2:05:22 PM Exxthus: r u there???
2:05:46 PM Exxthus: sexi buny person?
2:05:57 PM Exxthus: lol sex is a bad word
2:06:20 PM Exxthus: oh no!
2:06:48 PM Exxthus: i hop my mom duznt see
2:07:03 PM Exxthus: i said ass once and i got grounded
2:07:40 PM Exxthus: i hav my dads credit card
2:07:41 PM Exxthus: now wat
2:07:55 PM Exxthus: how do i see ur show
2:08:04 PM Exxthus: do i put the card in the computer?


  1. If only there was a way to introduce this bot to coty. The resulting conversation would be so very deep, perhaps even so deep that it would eliminate the need to go deeper. *Mind blown*

  2. do i put the card in the computer????

