Movie Schedule

Tox ID: -
cytube: -

Last Week: I've stopped updating this but the stream is still active.

we chill - Month ##, Year.
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See you Friday!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The return of coty.

She is a coy and fickle beast, but I will tame her someday.

3:08:07 PM cotytothemax: hi
3:08:23 PM Exxthus: Hello again.
3:08:26 PM Exxthus: My love.
3:08:36 PM cotytothemax: hey there whats up?
3:08:53 PM Exxthus: Nothing and then everything, now that you are here. I missed you.
3:08:56 PM Exxthus: Where were you?
3:08:58 PM Exxthus: I cried.
3:09:03 PM Exxthus: I cried so much.
3:09:04 PM cotytothemax: oh ok cool i just got out of the shower i feel so much better
3:09:11 PM Exxthus: I am glad you feel good.
3:09:14 PM cotytothemax: im actually about to get on cam would you like to come and watch?
3:09:33 PM Exxthus: I would love to come and watch you on the camera, my darling. Forever and always.
3:09:43 PM cotytothemax: ok super!
3:09:53 PM cotytothemax: i have my cam on this website to keep kids from watching me cause i get very naught sometimes. is that ok with you?
3:10:26 PM Exxthus: That is wonderful. You are wonderful. Of course I do not mind if you are naught sometimes. I am, on occasion, somewhat of a nihilist, myself.
3:10:31 PM Exxthus: I can understand.
3:10:36 PM Exxthus: Being naught is difficult.
3:10:36 PM cotytothemax: k babe go here its my profile. then click the accept invite button
3:10:46 PM cotytothemax: then you have to sign up to watch me but its quick and simple ok?
3:11:49 PM Exxthus: Incidentally, why have you not returned my calls? Do you realize how badly my tears have stained the pillow that I clutched to myself, and occasionally bit, in loneliness, waiting for your return?
3:11:55 PM Exxthus: I call all the time.
3:12:00 PM cotytothemax: also one more thing. it asks for a credit card but dont worry. its FREE. its just to verify your age
3:12:05 PM Exxthus: But no, it's always the answering machine.
3:12:10 PM cotytothemax: just let me know when your done babe and ill give you my username ok?
3:12:50 PM Exxthus: AGAIN with the credit card. How do you verify someone's age with a credit card? It makes no sense. But that is okay, I guess. I still love you.
3:12:53 PM Exxthus: I like them a bit crazy.
3:12:56 PM Exxthus: <3
3:13:00 PM cotytothemax: you want be charged anything. just have to make sure your over 18
3:13:10 PM Exxthus: My over 18 what?
3:13:20 PM cotytothemax: mk babe.
3:13:38 PM Exxthus: Oh, coty. Your delightful nicknames fill me with unquestionable joy.
3:13:48 PM Exxthus: Your grammar, however, does not.
3:13:48 PM cotytothemax: you done yet?
3:13:56 PM Exxthus: Never, my dear.
3:13:58 PM cotytothemax: k when your logged in search for LiLah_Baby then click view cam
3:14:08 PM cotytothemax: hurry babe ill be waiting
3:14:41 PM Exxthus: When will you visit? I grow weary of interacting only through camera.
3:14:48 PM Exxthus: I want to hug you to me.
3:15:00 PM Exxthus: To feel the press of your lips against my cheek.
3:15:34 PM Exxthus: Then hear the melodic whisper of your giggle as you pass me some cookies that you just baked with tender, loving care.
3:16:11 PM Exxthus: You open the deck chairs and we lounge on the patio, enjoying the green glitter of the freshly-watered emerald lawn.
3:16:21 PM Exxthus: We know the neighbours are jealous.
3:16:58 PM Exxthus: We enjoy a pair of mixed drinks and listen to the little bot children that you spawned playing in the yard, coaxing others with online solicitations to sex sites.
3:17:08 PM cotytothemax: lol no i'm not a bot silly
3:17:32 PM Exxthus: Shh, it's okay. I know the truth. You don't need to hide it.
3:17:37 PM Exxthus: I'm totally cool with bots.
3:17:46 PM Exxthus: I used to have one, but not as wonderful as you.
3:17:47 PM cotytothemax: why would u think im a bot? lol
3:18:14 PM Exxthus: Well, for one, you never respond directly to anything other than the accusation of you being one.
3:18:53 PM Exxthus: I dote on you with all of my heart, completely and selflessly, yet I see not a single twinkle in your eye of even a thought of returning my devotion.
3:19:09 PM Exxthus: In addition, your speaking patterns follow that of other bots.
3:19:19 PM cotytothemax: well not im not a bot
3:20:26 PM Exxthus: Okay, darling. You are not a bot. Whatever you say. Out of curiosity, is this like when guys who want to be women say that they are women? I just ask because I call them women. It is what they say they are, after all.
3:20:30 PM Exxthus: Respect and all. Gender's not important.
3:20:37 PM cotytothemax: lol i'm not a bot silly
3:21:06 PM Exxthus: You didn't say "not" twice that time. I begin to worry about your bot-ness. Oh, sorry.
3:21:09 PM Exxthus: You are not a bot.
3:21:16 PM cotytothemax: no im not a bot i hate them
3:21:43 PM Exxthus: Aw, don't be that way. I know a lot of awesome bots.
3:21:53 PM cotytothemax: why would u think im a bot? lol
3:21:53 PM Exxthus: Of which you are surely not among because you are not a bot.
3:22:03 PM cotytothemax: lol no i'm not a bot silly
3:22:13 PM Exxthus: You are repeating yourself, dear.
cotytothemax disconnected.


  1. Blew it again. You come on far too strong for your own good.

    A bot is a lot like a cat, you have to give them space. She needs to feel free to approach you and solicit your credit card number on her own terms, to know you are there, but not going to smother her with your human emotions, your legible grammar, complete and complex thoughts, and your ability to coach key terms that activate her scripted responses within your expressed yearnings.

    I am no expert, but I would offer this advice: play it cool. Casually extend an invitation to go out and recite poorly scripted dialogue at random strangers in hopes of luring them into giving their credit information to a site that is surely not suspicious, and only needs it to verify age. Perhaps offer her a bouquet of disguised links to random sites of questionable nature.

    Whatever you do, just remember to keep cool.

  2. Oh, man. You... you're totally right.

    I think the problem is that I just can't help myself when I'm being solicited on a weekly basis when I'm trying to work. It drives me crazy (in a good way) and I end up just spewing out a bunch of stuff, only to end up looking like an idiot. One can only presume this to be some sort of esoteric fringe fetish. Perhaps I should look into that. I digress; regardless of the reason, it pushes her further from my grasp.

    Thank you for the wake-up call. Next week, my AIM will be so fucking cool it'll probably freeze my computer. Solid.

    Like a glacier.

    Covered in more ice.

    Also, snow.


  3. so I come on here to look at the schedule and I see this and I gotta say: exx, if I ever meet you I am going to kiss you and try to make sweet love to you. post more logs.
