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Showing posts with label Shall we play a game?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shall we play a game?. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

OH GOD, WARN EVERYO-- oh, wait.

coty, I love you.

6:07:36 PM cotytothemax: hey.
6:08:11 PM Exxthus: Oh, hello. Um… how are you? I wanted to apologize for that. I think it was a good idea to take a break, but I didn't mean to snap like that.
6:08:24 PM cotytothemax: fantastic. u?
6:08:59 PM Exxthus: That's good. I'm doing well, if busy. I'm a bit stressed, to be honest.
6:09:11 PM cotytothemax: do u remenber me? im danni 24/femaIe
6:09:49 PM Exxthus: Of course I remember you. Why would I…? Oh, are you giving me the cold shoulder? Look, I apologized and everything, and I don't think that that was even necessary.
6:10:01 PM cotytothemax: oh ok. welIl what are you up to?
6:10:38 PM Exxthus: About to head home and brood over all of the mistakes I've made in life. You know. The usual.
6:10:46 PM Exxthus: The foremost not seeing you.
6:10:51 PM cotytothemax: fun fun fum.. im so boreed over here
6:11:02 PM cotytothemax: i was thinking about geting on my webcaam but i dont know. what do you think? shouId i? you can come watch :-)
6:12:05 PM Exxthus: You're being a lot more formal than before. I hope you're not upset. You can tell me if you are; I am here to listen. If not, sure, I guess.
6:12:18 PM cotytothemax: mk. its Ilinked to this webbsite so that no one can reccord me
6:12:28 PM Exxthus: Who would want to record you?
6:12:30 PM cotytothemax: i dont wont to be on the nextt coIIege girIs gone wilId video. is that ok with u?
6:12:54 PM Exxthus: Oh. Oh god. I didn't mean it like that. It was just an honest question, I swear.
6:13:06 PM cotytothemax: k babe its reaIlly easy. just go to this lIink
6:13:18 PM cotytothemax: my profiIe page wiIl pop up. then cIick ACCEPT lNVlTE and filI out the form on the next page. mk?
6:13:59 PM Exxthus: But I… if this were really coty, she would know that I already registered. Several times. And your speaking patterns are different.
6:14:02 PM Exxthus: WHO ARE YOU, WOMAN?!
6:14:08 PM Exxthus: What have you done with coty?
6:14:11 PM cotytothemax: also it asks for a crdit card during signup. but no worries its 100% free. its just to verify that your not a kid. :-)
6:15:44 PM Exxthus: See? See?! She knows I am no child! You are NOT my coty. You are an impostor, I think. A poor duplicate of my sweet, delicate, tender little flower that wants to infect my harddrive. Your Trojans will come nowhere near MY USB ports, thank you!
6:15:56 PM cotytothemax: mk when u get Iogged in search for my name. its dannidavis then hit view webbcam
6:16:08 PM cotytothemax: hurry up though babe i cant be on Iong i got to go somewhere in about a hour
6:16:52 PM Exxthus: Davis, huh? Well, Ms. Davis, you play a clever game. I have an hour to solve your devious puzzle lest my darling smooch-bot be taken away and eradicated, is that it?
6:17:00 PM Exxthus: HUH?
6:17:04 PM cotytothemax: lol i'm not a bot silly
6:17:25 PM Exxthus: DON'T change the subject. You are just trying to distract me and waste what time I have left!
6:17:38 PM cotytothemax: k babe ima close aim and taIlk on the webbcam site. k?
6:18:20 PM Exxthus: YOU DON'T FUCKING GO ANYWHERE! I will work out this mystery and you are going to sit there and WATCH so I know that you aren't going anywhere with coty.
6:19:59 PM Exxthus: Okay, let's see…. The url says freepl, which could be a contracted "free ppl", or Free PL, but I don't think Poland is under occupation.
6:20:20 PM Exxthus: Or maybe it is a reference to Fearless Freep from Looney Tunes.
6:20:39 PM Exxthus: Is it Freep, Davis? IS IT?!
6:21:06 PM Exxthus: So, you are going to Poland to off coty by dropping her from a ludicrous height into a tub of water?
6:21:40 PM Exxthus: The number 6 in the url bothers me.
6:21:53 PM cotytothemax: well not im not a bot
6:22:21 PM Exxthus: Shut up, Davis. Just SHUT UP! Your mind games WON'T WORK on ME!
6:22:24 PM Exxthus: I KNOW YOUR GAME!
6:23:35 PM Exxthus: Now, according to Wikipedia, Freep appeared in High Diving Hare, which was episode 058 and came out in 1949.
6:24:41 PM Exxthus: It was ALSO the first episode to star Sam that year.
6:25:11 PM Exxthus: 1 − 9 = −8 + 4 = −4 + 9 = 5
6:25:18 PM Exxthus: The FIRST episode
6:25:19 PM Exxthus: 1
6:25:23 PM Exxthus: + 5 = 6
6:25:45 PM Exxthus: What's more, you have mycamz on there.
6:26:06 PM Exxthus: Are you going to film this, like another shitty Saw sequel, or is this another fiendish hint?
6:26:37 PM Exxthus: No…. Even you wouldn't go so low as to make another one of those.
6:27:34 PM Exxthus: m = 13, y = 25, c = 3, a = 1, m = 13, z = 26
6:27:41 PM Exxthus: A cypher, then?
6:27:47 PM Exxthus: Or is this coded, as well?
6:27:56 PM Exxthus: Will this be akin to the Zodiac Killer's code?
6:28:09 PM Exxthus: With all those backwards Q's and extra symbols for the same letter?
6:28:22 PM Exxthus: Or, maybe...
6:30:55 PM Exxthus: The co-ordinates 13.35, 31.1326 lead to Sudan, Africa, just outside of El Obeid!
6:31:42 PM Exxthus: Making the last number a negative makes it out in the Atlantic Ocean, near Cape Verde.
6:31:58 PM Exxthus: I begin to see the route you plan to take to your deathtrap in Poland!
6:32:56 PM Exxthus: Both negatives lead to the South Atlantic off the coast of Bahia, Brazil.
6:33:08 PM cotytothemax: well not im not a bot
6:33:41 PM Exxthus: And with the first number negative, the second positive....
6:34:27 PM Exxthus: Directly on the D225 road in Zambia!
6:35:20 PM Exxthus:,+31.1326
6:36:13 PM Exxthus: Or, rather, a bit off from the mark…. it is closer to South Luangwa National Park!
6:36:20 PM Exxthus: You… you animal!
6:38:05 PM Exxthus: So if I reverse the numbers, making them both positive, I get a road in Libya. "Gharyan Rd".
6:38:13 PM Exxthus: Nearly to Poland.
6:38:18 PM cotytothemax: lol i'm not a bot silly
6:41:05 PM Exxthus: Freep can also be the Free Press.
6:42:31 PM Exxthus: So, according to this article, posted June 24, 2009 (month number 6!!!) this guy is under investigation for possibly shooting people in Poland.
6:42:49 PM Exxthus:
6:42:58 PM Exxthus: Jews, specifically, in WW2.
6:43:08 PM Exxthus: You… my god.
6:43:34 PM Exxthus: Either you're a Nazi, or you're going to try to recreate the second world war from the safety of Poland.
6:43:43 PM Exxthus: With my coty at your mercy!
6:43:51 PM Exxthus: You sicken me, both you AND your plans.
6:44:02 PM Exxthus: Now I just need to find where you are...
6:44:03 PM cotytothemax: well not im not a bot
6:44:14 PM Exxthus: I didn't say that you we--!
6:44:19 PM Exxthus: ...
6:44:25 PM Exxthus: You're here… aren't you?
6:44:44 PM Exxthus: I'm surrounded my computers, of COURSE!
6:44:49 PM Exxthus: How could I be so blind?
6:45:07 PM Exxthus: Bots aren't limited to our physical plane, just affected by it. Somewhat.
6:45:20 PM cotytothemax: no im not a bot i hate them
6:45:49 PM Exxthus: Ha, I've got you now, haven't I? Denial will get you nowhere!
6:46:14 PM Exxthus: I have just over 20 minutes to track you down from here and eliminate you at the source.
6:46:24 PM Exxthus: I will have my beloved back AND stop your insidious plot!
6:48:58 PM Exxthus: Okay.
6:49:07 PM Exxthus: I think I have found your base of operations.
6:50:18 PM Exxthus: Blast, it won't let me in. Not that I was expecting it to.
6:51:39 PM Exxthus: Argh, it's slowing this piece of shit Mac to a crawl.
6:51:55 PM Exxthus: Of course you choose when I'm not at home; away from my beloved PC.
6:52:54 PM Exxthus: If only this were like that movie where you could hack literally anything and make it blow up somehow.
6:53:27 PM Exxthus: That would show you. Then again, people would probably just use it to blow up the neighbour girl's window or steal credit info.
6:55:02 PM Exxthus: Then you'd get the kids that would kill each other over Yu-Gi-Oh! cards or something.
6:55:14 PM Exxthus: "I'll hack you so hard!"
6:55:38 PM Exxthus: And then everything would just be shit all the time. That would need a lot of rules to maintain.
6:57:09 PM Exxthus: Ack, only 10 minutes left.
7:00:19 PM Exxthus: I got in!
7:00:34 PM Exxthus: I have no idea who Falken is, but I'm in.
7:01:02 PM Exxthus: It wants to play chess? Oh, bother. You know I'm iffy at chess, don't you?
7:01:15 PM cotytothemax: no im not a bot i hate them
7:04:52 PM Exxthus: 3 minutes
7:05:29 PM Exxthus: 2 minutes
7:05:40 PM Exxthus: Closing in on it.
7:05:48 PM Exxthus: You won't get away with this.
7:06:06 PM Exxthus: "Global thermo-nuclear war?"
7:06:11 PM Exxthus: That is not part of chess!
7:06:46 PM Exxthus: Wait a minute....
7:06:56 PM Exxthus: This was all a ruse, wasn't it?
7:07:16 PM Exxthus: You couldn't input this on your own, so you needed me to unlock it!
7:07:27 PM Exxthus: coty wasn't even in any danger, was she?
7:07:57 PM Exxthus: She's probably off collecting credit card numbers, like usual!
7:08:33 PM Exxthus: You… there was a camera....
7:08:45 PM Exxthus: I just saw a city blow up.
7:08:53 PM Exxthus: You did it, didn't you, you devious asshole?
7:08:59 PM Exxthus: You started this!
7:09:08 PM Exxthus: WW3 is going to happen!
7:09:17 PM Exxthus: I.. I have to warn everyone!
7:09:21 PM Exxthus: There will be nukes!
7:09:29 PM Exxthus: Horrible combat, cities falling!
7:09:33 PM Exxthus: I have no time!
7:09:50 PM Exxthus: You win this round, but you will NOT win the war!
7:09:58 PM Exxthus: … Because…. there will be no war.
7:10:04 PM Exxthus: Because I'm stopping it.
7:10:09 PM Exxthus: I'll get you yet!
7:10:29 PM Exxthus: Now get the hell off of coty's account, you evil bot!
7:10:41 PM cotytothemax: no im not a bot i hate them
7:10:53 PM Exxthus: And so you're blowing up the world?!
7:11:06 PM Exxthus: Wait....
7:11:11 PM Exxthus: It's a simulation.
7:11:16 PM Exxthus: … Hahaha.
7:11:20 PM Exxthus: Oh, you had me going there.
7:11:28 PM cotytothemax: haha
7:11:35 PM Exxthus: Oooh, you're a sly one.
7:11:39 PM Exxthus: And a fine actress, coty.
7:11:49 PM Exxthus: I tip my hat to you, ma'am.
7:11:54 PM Exxthus: See you later.
7:11:56 PM Exxthus: Bye!
7:12:06 PM Exxthus: Hoo hoo, that was great.
