Movie Schedule

Tox ID: -
cytube: -

Last Week: I've stopped updating this but the stream is still active.

we chill - Month ##, Year.
- x
- x
- x
- bonus?


See you Friday!

Showing posts with label /co/. Show all posts
Showing posts with label /co/. Show all posts

Saturday, November 10, 2012


As I reminded everyone upon voting for the festering shit pile that is the animated Titanic musical, theguft had enjoyed watching it in a previous stream. It had been a Rage Night, but my internet had been acting up due to the Stealth Pando Incident, so by the time I got it fixed and Titanic (4th movie) rolled around, I was down to three viewers. The result was guft being completely plastered and filling the empty chat with drunken rage, the tirade earning him the place of the Rage Night living mascot. Shame he couldn't remember anything the next day, like why he was so inexplicably angry and why he was covered with the blood of two thousand innocent bystanders. And then the stream voted for it on the 9th of November, 2012.

There were more people this time and guft was sober. Or as sober as this inebriated clusterfuck of vomit masquerading as animation will leave the average person. There must be a reason that both theguft and Deph_Boogie have red name colors aside from being Lanterns, so Deph is now his canon sidekick. For posterity, I have saved the finer points of the "theguft & Co." log, and true to Rage Night tradition it is in unnecessarily huge picture form. I warn you, it is 360px by 9,003px. Also included in this bundle is the entire log for the whole movie, but it's a massive 360px by 17,550px so it is fucking huge. You have been warned.

Now to deliver some troll Prince pics like I promised. I'll stick a break here.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Links added to libraries. -->

All of the movie titles are now clickable and link to their imdb pages! It took a while, but now you guys can check out a movie before you choose it. Feels good.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Movie libraries added there. --->

I'll update it as necessary, but you now have a list of stuff I have. I still have to check the quality of some files, so be patient if one doesn't work and we need to change bonus movies in the stream. I make sure to give officially-scheduled movies a look, though.


Friday, February 18, 2011

Answering Comments

Anonymous said...
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE STREAM! I've never felt so connected to a fandom. So many emotions!

No problem. That was probably the most fun I ever had streaming.

Anonymous said...
Good OP. Best form.

Danke schön.

Anonymous said...
you know nat jones? also can we ask for you to play certain movies here?

We are aquainted; like I said, he is my teacher. It's not as though we're hanging out or anything.

Yes, you can request movies and themes here, but I may or may not decide to use them and bear in mind that if I DO decide to air them, it may be a few weeks before you see it appear in the schedule (unless I am missing a third movie or something). I like to plan about 3 weeks ahead now. The best time to ask would be at or near the end of a stream.