Movie Schedule

Tox ID: -
cytube: -

Last Week: I've stopped updating this but the stream is still active.

we chill - Month ##, Year.
- x
- x
- x
- bonus?


See you Friday!

Showing posts with label livestream. Show all posts
Showing posts with label livestream. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Friday, January 29, 2016

Blog Updates Feb-Aug 2016

Okay, so the list hasn't been updated in a while. Between switching HDDs, dealing with a moody external drive, and problems with job-hopping and shit, it's fallen sliiightly behind. Also streams aren't allowed on halfchan anymore and I didn't want to advertise in the proper on fullchan before making this piece of shit look good/have updated info. I'm currently working 2 jobs, cleaning the entirety of my living area (including years of storage), and a mountain of other bullshit.


With that intro out of the way: In the interest of transparency, I will now post a list. I do so love those lists. It will detail what I have to do, what I am working on, and what I have completed. It will be in parts rather than all at once since disgusting 3DPD bullshit takes priority somehow. I'll try to update it at least once a week. That's bare minimum since I'm in here every fucking week anyway. Without further ado:

  1. Update movie list. -- FINISHED (Live! Just have to re-organize it now.): 100% *
  2. Update blog CSS. -- WIP: Watch me fuck with colors and shit here.
  3. Update awful video files -- STALLED: 85% (back when old HDD hated AC3) ** Seems I was actively replacing files at some point, so a lot fewer need replacing than I thought. Not counting the movies missing credits at the moment. Consider it "completed" for now, though I'm still replacing the 4 remaining.

July 15: I had to nuke my harddrive. Setting everything back up, so I lost a week of work time this week, temporarily stifling progress. As a bonus, the computer is now faster.

Aug 5: The remaining 4 I'm working on replacing appear to be hard to find in decent condition, if at all, so I'm just gonna have them as an ongoing/stalled thing and replace the files when I manage to get them replaced. They're not "missing" or anything mind; the original files are still available for voting and shit.

Aladdin - The Return of Jafar (I think the audio might be up-pitched a bit but the quality is 50x better)
Beauty and the Beast
Beauty and the Beast - The Enchanted Christmas
A Disney Christmas Gift (horrible quality) !
Dexter's Lab - Ego Trip
Dragonlance - Dragons of Autumn Twilight (best I could get)
Fantasia 2000
Help! I'm a Fish!
Justice League - New Frontier
Kim Possible - The Villain Files (weird framing, audio sync goes off) !
The Little Mermaid 2 - Return to the Sea
Rock-A-Doodle (best I could get)
The Secret of NIMH 2 (best I could get)
The Tigger Movie
Watership Down
Planet 51
Nightmare Before Christmas
Ace Ventura - When Nature Calls
Kill Bill Vol. 1
Kill Bill Vol. 2
The Great Race
Madea's Family Reunion (Not gonna bother replacing it.) x
Mega Shark vs Crocosaurus (can't render file) !
Shaolin Dolemite (quality, aspect ratio) !
Sin City

* Decided to post the actual text version so you can see where I'm at, at least. This is simply a list of what I currently "have". The items have not all been updated yet, which means some may be getting replaced. The list will change throughout the checking each file, as will the organization of it since the list is getting very long and unwieldy. Until then, enjoy.

Other shit:

  • Possibly update "vote" method(s)? fucking chaosfags up in my grill
  • "Legally obtain" Flash editor and program a live interactive database for you faggots.
  • moar wahas
  • moar banners
  • Start advertising on bigger boards once everything doesn't look and run like shit
  • This will likely mean eliminating entire birthday schedules ^
  • Isolate & fix scripting error in the half-finished mod some asshole made that I decided to fix for myself and continue Swordbeard's adventures

Saturday, November 10, 2012


As I reminded everyone upon voting for the festering shit pile that is the animated Titanic musical, theguft had enjoyed watching it in a previous stream. It had been a Rage Night, but my internet had been acting up due to the Stealth Pando Incident, so by the time I got it fixed and Titanic (4th movie) rolled around, I was down to three viewers. The result was guft being completely plastered and filling the empty chat with drunken rage, the tirade earning him the place of the Rage Night living mascot. Shame he couldn't remember anything the next day, like why he was so inexplicably angry and why he was covered with the blood of two thousand innocent bystanders. And then the stream voted for it on the 9th of November, 2012.

There were more people this time and guft was sober. Or as sober as this inebriated clusterfuck of vomit masquerading as animation will leave the average person. There must be a reason that both theguft and Deph_Boogie have red name colors aside from being Lanterns, so Deph is now his canon sidekick. For posterity, I have saved the finer points of the "theguft & Co." log, and true to Rage Night tradition it is in unnecessarily huge picture form. I warn you, it is 360px by 9,003px. Also included in this bundle is the entire log for the whole movie, but it's a massive 360px by 17,550px so it is fucking huge. You have been warned.

Now to deliver some troll Prince pics like I promised. I'll stick a break here.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

4chan Streamers Unite

So like, there's a new streamer named iNfy that hails from /tv/. He seems like a pretty cool guy, so here's his channel, and the link to his blog. Show the guy some support.

He streamed 13 Assassins, Kick-Ass, and High Fidelity while I was there. Where doing this, man. Where makign this hapen.