Movie Schedule

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See you Friday!

Friday, March 12, 2021

March 12 Updates

Been really fucking tired; slept like 20 hours one day and still wanted more. Beyond that, I was feeling pretty okay so I decided to try a quick carb bomb and see how my body took it. Eating carbs still makes my heart rate go back up for a while, just not as bad as before. However, I did start getting itchy around my ears and jawline, a bit more facial swell, a petechiae outbreak along my shoulders, and a random stabbing pain on the right side of my chest that would show up sporadically for a couple days. Whether this is related to ingesting extra carbs or just it's usual bullshit is unclear, so more experimentation is needed.  That this question need be asked should outline for the casual reader just what sort of hijinks my poor body is subject to on a regular basis, regardless of whether an experiment is underway or not.

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