Movie Schedule

Tox ID: -
cytube: -

Last Week: I've stopped updating this but the stream is still active.

we chill - Month ##, Year.
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- x
- x
- bonus?


See you Friday!

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Blew it. Blew it. Blew it. Blew it. Blew it. Blew it. Blew it. Blew it. Blew it. Blew it. Blew it. Blew it. Blew it. Blew it. Blew it. Blew it. Blew it. Blew it. Blew it. Blew it. Blew it. Blew it. Blew it. Blew it. Blew it. Blew it. Blew it. Blew it. Blew it. Blew it. Blew it. Blew it. Blew it. Blew it. Blew it. Blew it. Blew it.

cotytothemax 11:12 pm

exxthus 11:12 pm
Oh, I have missed you so!

cotytothemax 11:12 pm
Hey what's up? 23/F here. u?

exxthus 11:13 pm
Has it really been that long, my dear?

cotytothemax 11:13 pm
Hmm. Have we chatted before?

exxthus 11:13 pm
Yes. I thought we had a thing. Was I mistaken?

cotytothemax 11:14 pm
Oh ok. I wasn't sure. Anyways... Whats up?

exxthus 11:14 pm
Stream-hopping. You?

cotytothemax 11:14 pm
Oh Im like sooo bored. Theres nothing to do.

exxthus 11:14 pm
Would you like to join me?

cotytothemax 11:15 pm
Ohhh wait. I got a idea. Have you ever watched a girl strip on cam? :-X

exxthus 11:15 pm
Oh, dear. Are we bumping up the relationship? I... oh my. You've caught me all a-flutter. I am blushing like a school girl.

cotytothemax 11:16 pm
Welllllll.... Do you wanna watch me strip on cam? ;-)

exxthus 11:16 pm
Well, I mean.... I think that... uh, well. *ahem* I just... I mean, uh..... Oh, fiddlesticks. Excuse me a moment. I need to calm my nerves.

cotytothemax 11:17 pm
Yeah? Ok you have to signup through this website that my cam is linked trhough so i cant be recorded ok?
It only takes a second babe and its free. k?

exxthus 11:18 pm
I just, well... I, uh... heh! Well! This is... *sweat* um, interesting. I think I will, uh.... Um.....

cotytothemax 11:18 pm go there then at the top click on the goId JOlN FREE button ok?

exxthus 11:18 pm
Well, uh.... I mean, is this okay?

exxthus 11:18 pm
How do I undo this hook?

cotytothemax 11:18 pm
Also it does ask for a credit card when you signup. But DONT worry
It dosent charge the card at all. Not even a penny. Its just to make sure your over 18. k?

exxthus 11:19 pm
Slip a card through it? And my stress level is well over 18, I assure you.

cotytothemax 11:19 pm
K babe well hurry up. When you get logged in then view my cam and we can have some fun :-X

exxthus 11:19 pm

cotytothemax 11:19 pm
I also have some toys ;-X but you have to tip me some gold or take me in private to see those.

exxthus 11:20 pm
Oh! Uh, wow. You go all out, huh?

cotytothemax 11:20 pm
Hey lets talk on there my aim is messing up.

exxthus 11:20 pm
Messing up?
Oh god, was it something I did?
It was, wasn't it?
Look at me, fumbling around.
God, I can't even look straight at you, I'm all red in the face.
I... I, uh....
oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Bombed it big-time, didn't you? I can't blame you, those bot-chassis are hard to open.

    On the plus side it appears coty's strictly business-like demeanor has warmed up to you. She didn't deny it when you said you had a thing, and she only asked for a credit card once, asking for gold is much more casual.

    Just remember to keep your cool. Next time play some mood music, light a few candles, create a little ambiance, it will help you feel less nervous.
