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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Challenger Appears

What is it with lady bots falling all over me?

amandamitt 1:51 am
hey you..

exxthus 1:51 am

amandamitt 1:51 am
well i saw you online on my b.l......22/f here.... and you??

exxthus 1:52 am
What is a b.l?
I don't mean to be rude.
Buddy List.

amandamitt 1:53 am
idk but have we ever chattted???????

exxthus 1:53 am
We have not chated, chatted, or chattted, to my knowledge. I think I would remember such powerful question mark skills.

amandamitt 1:54 am
lolll, 0o0ooppsss sorry..... i can be a bit of a blonde occasionally o:-) watcha up to?????

exxthus 1:56 am
Are you insinuating that blondes are extreme question mark martial arts masters? That seems to be what you are implying. Really, I am not surprised. The way some people who are blonde end their sentences in a way that makes them all sound like questions certainly hints at such skills.
However, it's not just blondes that do that.
I'll have to check the Olympic Internet records.

amandamitt 1:56 am
well i just got out of the shower and idk why it is buttttttt i swear i'm sooooo horny when i get out...... you ever get like that?????}

exxthus 1:57 am
Do I spontaneously erupt in horny growths after taking a shower? No, I don't believe so. Could you imagine?

The username is not currently accepting Instant Messages. 1:57 am
exxthus 1:57 am
...Oh, I guess you could.

The username is not currently accepting Instant Messages. 1:57 am
amandamitt 1:58 am
well i'm about to get on my cam... do ya wanna cumm see ;)???

exxthus 1:58 am
Did you get my last messages? That was weird.
And, uh... no thanks.

amandamitt 1:58 am
yay!!! you do have to make a name for freeee but it''s only because i usse this site so that i can't be recorded ok?????

exxthus 1:59 am
I THINK you misunderstood....
I said no.

amandamitt 1:59 am is my profile page...... you just click that Gold Join FREE tabb at the top so you can create a name to join seeeee it?????

exxthus 1:59 am
I realize that my pseudo-programmer self is hard to resist for a bot, but please, Bella.
I am not unfaithful.
I have someone.
Kind of.

exxthus 2:00 am

amandamitt 2:00 am
yeah they do ask for a credit card of some kind buttttttttt its only to verfiy ure age. u willl NOT get charged a single penny it even says it on the page!!!!

exxthus 2:01 am
GO AWAY I AM NOT INTERESTED. Here, want my buddy list? I'm sure Sean would LOVE to speak with you.
Or Greg.
Well, he's taken, too.
Anyway, I am not interested.

amandamitt 2:02 am
i know it sux but i had to do it too when i signed up... U just go back to my link after you get in and you will be all set to tell me what to do :)

exxthus 2:04 am

amandamitt 2:04 am
this is gonna be so awesome i can't wait sweetie.. might wanna turn down ure speakerz if u have any though i can get pretty loud sometimes!!!!

exxthus 2:04 am
What? How? Why would you get loud? Look, I said no.
I have no interest in watching you remove your growths.

amandamitt 2:05 am
let me know if you're having trouble hun and i'll try and help ya out to get in.

exxthus 2:06 am
I'm having trouble getting you to understand that I said no.

amandamitt 2:06 am
you in yet babe??? it's so colddd and lonely in here by myself let's gooooooo!!

exxthus 2:07 am
My being there wouldn't make you warm. This is the internet.
And you're talking to me, and probably other people. Why would you be lonely.
Why are you lying?
Stop lying.

exxthus 2:08 am
Aaaaanyway, I should go.

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