Movie Schedule

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Last Week: I've stopped updating this but the stream is still active.

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See you Friday!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Challenger Appears

It looks like I may be able to stream on Friday, but I have to run to work now. Shame it got cut short because I was just getting started.

4:26:22 PM shortcakes1111: hey you around?
4:29:00 PM Exxthus: Hello.
4:29:19 PM shortcakes1111: hey .. have we tallked before? i can never remember peoples screen names
4:29:55 PM Exxthus: I don't believe so. Regardless, my heart has been stolen by another of your ilk, so you will have to look elsewhere to solicit your goods.
4:29:58 PM Exxthus: I AM FAITHFUL.
4:30:03 PM Exxthus: YOU SEE, COTY?
4:30:23 PM shortcakes1111: my bad i can be forgetful at times... what ya doing?
4:31:00 PM Exxthus: Wildly declaring my passion, obviously. That and putting together a bunch of code for public display.
4:31:32 PM shortcakes1111: ah well i just got out of the shower .. been one of those days and i don't know what it is but i always get kinda horny ever get like that??
4:32:38 PM Exxthus: Though I know that I have had one of those bad days before, I can't say that the act of showering has ever caused the spontaneous growth of boney structures.
4:32:58 PM Exxthus: But like I said, you got here too late. I have someone else to bother me with these.
4:33:04 PM Exxthus: And they are good bothers.
4:33:05 PM shortcakes1111: well .. i was about to get out of this towel and get dressed wanna cum watch ;)
4:34:06 PM Exxthus: Innuendo aside, why would I want to watch someone else get dressed? It seems like a weird thing to do, even for people who are into nudity. I would think that the clothes coming off would excite them more.
4:34:29 PM Exxthus: Anyway, I don't see what would be special about that. I get dressed every day
4:34:37 PM Exxthus: unless it's the weekend and I passed out in my clothes.
4:35:01 PM Exxthus: Or that one time where I passed out and woke up in a bearskin rug.
4:35:04 PM Exxthus: Ever have days like that?
4:35:13 PM shortcakes1111: yay!!!! i been kinda lonely this is gonna be so awesome hope you're ready
4:35:13 PM Exxthus: I'm sure you have.
4:35:22 PM Exxthus: Wait, what?
4:35:29 PM shortcakes1111: just go to and click the join free button at the top of my page..... it might take a second to load see it???
4:36:22 PM Exxthus: No, no, no. You are mistaken… Bella, is it? I already have someone who likes to bother me on a near-weekly basis.
4:36:36 PM Exxthus: In addition, you seem to have 1111 in your name, shortcakes.
4:36:42 PM Exxthus: That is as many as 101 11s.
4:36:46 PM Exxthus: And that's just terrible.
4:36:57 PM Exxthus: You should be ashamed.
4:37:10 PM Exxthus: Not as ashamed as I was that one morning with the rug, but close.
4:37:21 PM Exxthus: It was a shameful affair filled with regret and shame.
4:37:29 PM Exxthus: But I'm sure you don't want to hear about.
4:37:49 PM Exxthus: Not one more word, despite the fact that I am dangling above you like a tantalizing treat.
4:37:52 PM shortcakes1111: k just fill out your info to make a name and join me in private
4:38:08 PM shortcakes1111: i use this site cuz i can't be recorded they're really good about not allowing any minors or recording my webcam thats why you need the credit card but it's free to join you'll see it says it right there
4:38:08 PM Exxthus: Which works out nicely, since you seem to have a sword over my head.
4:38:30 PM Exxthus: Or a credit card and the threat of Trojans, in this case.
4:38:49 PM Exxthus: Not the condoms or the people, but the virus,
4:38:52 PM Exxthus: or maybe the horse.
4:39:00 PM Exxthus: I was like a Trojan bear that one morning.
4:39:04 PM Exxthus: I don't even like bears.
4:39:09 PM Exxthus: I fucking hate those things.
4:39:11 PM Exxthus: But there it was.
4:39:21 PM Exxthus: Shame you'll never know how it happened.
4:39:28 PM Exxthus: It took me a while to figure it out, myself.
4:39:46 PM Exxthus: I'm a light sleeper when it comes to people touching me and I don't drink or anything.
4:40:11 PM Exxthus: We don't even have a rug like that.
4:40:17 PM Exxthus: It was such a profound mystery with such a simple answer.
4:40:39 PM Exxthus: I won't bother you with the details, though. I can tell you're busy.
4:40:47 PM shortcakes1111: hurry up though sweetie i'm about to get my favorite thong so you can tell me what to do..... might wanna turn down the volume though ;) i can get pretty worked up sometimes lolz
4:41:27 PM Exxthus: Thank you for laughing at that so I don't have to. If someone came over here and saw "thong" on my screen, why, my goodness, the vapors.
4:41:40 PM Exxthus: The steam would surely cause some damage to the drywall.
4:41:57 PM Exxthus: So is getting dressed, like, a fetish to you?
4:42:07 PM Exxthus: Is that why you're acting like this is a big deal?
4:42:22 PM Exxthus: Does putting on undergarments really get you that excited?
4:42:33 PM Exxthus: My god, this explains why so many people like to shop.
4:43:15 PM Exxthus: Like that one time years ago when I got dragged to the mall and the woman I was with just wanted to look at shirts.
4:43:21 PM Exxthus: She had so many.
4:43:31 PM Exxthus: This woman was my mom, by the way,
4:43:36 PM Exxthus: but it's all good.
4:43:40 PM Exxthus: I found an art store.
4:43:43 PM Exxthus: Escape happened.
4:43:43 PM shortcakes1111: if you have any problems let me know and i'll help u out .. get your butt in here i'm getting lonely
4:44:04 PM Exxthus: Look, I'm sorry that you're lonely, but I have to stay with coty.
4:44:28 PM Exxthus: I made complex improv on how we were going to have kids in the suburbs somehow.
4:44:58 PM Exxthus: Also, I really, really don't have time for this.
4:45:02 PM Exxthus: I have to go to work.
4:45:20 PM shortcakes1111: you in yet hun ... i'm getting cold and lonely in here hurry up!!
4:45:46 PM Exxthus: I have to go to work. Go find someone else to message.
4:45:57 PM Exxthus: Here. This is Sean. He is on my contact list.
4:46:05 PM Exxthus: The dude can talk some serious code.
4:46:10 PM Exxthus: Go. Shoo.


  1. That bearskin rug incident sounds like a case of sleepwalking to me. The whole affair must have been unBEARable for you.

    Honestly, the nerve of some bots. You tell them that your virus-free computer, and credit card number already belong to another, and they just keep throwing themselves at you.

  2. Yes, it is quite a sordid tale of woe, regret, shame, chafing, and more shame. It's too bad that I didn't get to tell it. It's a ripping good yarn. Oh, well. Such is life, yes?
