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Wednesday, July 8, 2020

July 10 Updates

 tl;dr: If I get another treatment, it will likely be next Thursday and so I may miss the stream or just not be present; the PET scan's scheduling kinda fucked with everything else. Doing my own anti-cancer experiments that shouldn't interfere with the toxic mainstream method, here's hoping something works. The petechiae on my jaw came back before the last IV rodeo, and it came back again about a week later. No nausea without the DEX, less swelling, more physical fatigue at first but the recovery time total is similar with or without the steroid. Losing a lot of hair. Arm from treatment 3 still hurts and has a lump in it that may be a clot. Heat and nocturnal habituation is making sleep switch more of a problem than I'd anticipated.

July 4: Not much to report. Been trying some resin to settle my stomach; the high-temperature malaise is still there but in decreasing amounts. I can feel precisely when food moves from my stomach to my small intestine, like it's uneasy for a few minutes until it can verify that it's just food and nothing toxic. Heart rate still climbs when it moves to the lower part, though. If it's not just lingering toxicity, it's possibly the nuking of the bacteria down there doing it. I'll eat more fermented foods to see if I can help the little guys out.

July 5: While the fermented food idea seems to have worked, I can't verify how much my experiment has helped, if at all. At least insofar as digestion goes. The trend was the effect halving nearly every time I had to go to the bathroom, and it seems consistent with that even after adding my ideas to the mix. That said, digestion is almost entirely back to normal as far as I can tell. Back to jogging already. So while I was asleep/unable to move for a while longer than usual without the DEX, the overall recovery time seems to be about the same and with fewer long-term shittiness to boot. At least so far. Unfortunately, I lost a ton of hair in the bath; the cumulative effects of the horrible bullshit seem to be taking its toll on my scalp's residents. I'm doing what I can, but more than usual definitely came loose. Below the belt is almost entirely gone.

July 6: Trying to shift my sleeping patterns over after all the stupid clinic times that are all over the place is showing itself to be a chore. I wish my tachycardia would fuck off. The arm used in the disastrous third treatment still hurts, and there's a small, fairly solid lump around where the IV when in the second time. It's been like that since before the last go, but it's more obvious now. I think it's getting bigger. Most likely a hardened vein, hopefully not a huge clot or similar.

July 7: Had a dream I was hanging with all of the mice I knew that have passed away in a sort of DIY house hooked up to a detachable vehicle front to make a sorta-RV. There were also people who are still alive included in the dream, so if anyone (like Nig) decides it was something more than that they should bear that in mind. It reminded me to let the mice have free run, since the weather was not ideal for jogging and I'd been meaning to when I didn't feel like shit. I'm starting to think I genuinely need some semi-intense cardio since that full feeling in my chest cavity is still present, only instead of the entire thing like when I'm on the DEX it's just localized around the heart and left side of the neck. The petechiae on my left jaw from before the last round of hell is back again, too. As such spots have been present on and off since the initial bout of food poisoning, I'm hoping it signifies nothing more than my body's own protesting over having lymphoma. Had a bout of tachycardia while trying to nod off, took a Naproxen and it seemed to calm it down enough to sleep a while.

July 8: Once again, I woke up to a small itch or two on my scalp and ended up with a collective handful of hair. Happened every day so far. It seems more pronounced on my right for some reason, and looking at the hairs that come away most easily there's just... not much there on the root end. It's like it tapers into nothingness. Visually, my head doesn't look much different from the last two times but I dunno how long that'll last. My TMD has been really bothering me the past few days. I'd contacted both a dentist and a chiropractor yesterday, but due to the pandemic they're backed up for weeks and can't see me until near the end of the month, rather than before the end of next week like I was hoping. The dentist also needs a letter from my doctor to look at my teeth, in case I need antibiotics or something to just clean. I'm tired of everything needing to go through this guy, feels like I'm in fucking kindergarten again. Can't go to the bathroom, gotta raise your hand and get permission to piss first. This is usually when shit starts to go south if I drop my guard, so I'll have to keep an eye on things.

July 9: Just so much hair. Nothing I do seems to stop it. Any contact causes 2-10 hairs to come loose. No contact makes them fall anyway. I've pulled 2 handfuls off the floor at this point, and that's just from the last couple days alone. My side experiment only delayed things, I think. It was worth a try. I thought my forearms may have had some edema, like my legs, but uh... it's just the muscle I put on from lifting more. So I'm an idiot, I guess. Bottom of my feet have been tingling, and there's a spot along the top of the left's big toe metatarsal that hurts to touch. The right has a similar problem, but on the underside instead. Ribs are still tender to touch on and off, but now I'm not sure if it's from soreness after swell/nerve attacks I was unaware of or if it's from me working out. There's also bad weather that may interfere with power in the area, so we will see how it affects the stream this week.

Since my usual attempts at rectifying my sleep patterns haven't been working, I just stayed up from Wednesday and tried to take it easier for a rest day, see if I can reset things that way. Genuinely laughed for the first time in weeks in another sync chat; we were watching that stupid Hardee's customer service video and the chat was making fun of it and then started spamming the crying wagie emote so fast it made the video lag. Went to bed pretty tired during a nasty lightning storm, probably for the best I don't keep the computer on.

July 10: Sorta worked. Lots of hair in my sheets, mind. Woke up after about 8 hours, had enough energy and wakefulness to get up and get some food to bring back to my room. Read a bit while I ate, played a bit of handheld like I sometimes do to wake myself up and then... I just didn't get out of bed. I dunno what happened, it's like I lagged out myself. The combination of it being way earlier than what my body wanted to wake up at and the summer heat just made it go "naw". Then I fell asleep for like 3-4 more hours and it was time to get up because stream.

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