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See you Friday!

Friday, April 24, 2020

April 24 Updates

Not much to report.

--> Some stuff I wanted to experiment with during treatment came in the mail and I've got pretty much everything set up except a start date. Officially, anyway. Still tired, still eating pain killers like candy. One thing to note is that DOMS seems to stick around a lot longer when you have a cancer. Maybe it's something to do with the inflammation and the malignant cells stealing so much of your repair nutrition? I did some exercises and the muscles I worked were sore as hell. Noticed this around Thanksgiving, too.

--> Now sneezing when I go outside or if a window stays open, so I guess I'm reacting to the snow mold. Our thaw only happened around this week, and I'm sure saying so would traumatize Fand all over again. My skin also flares up more easily when it comes into contact with something it would normally deal with more calmly since I'm in a state of perpetual immune response. Coughed a lot on Thursday night and had some neck pain, I think a tumor just shifted or something. Doing stretches seemed to help it stop.

--> Setting up some complementary therapies. Aromatherapy is A+ and I'm hoping it helps somewhat when it's time for chemical hell. Since all the gyms are closed I'm going to have to be a bit more creative in workouts that aren't bodyweight. I don't know how bad I'll be hit by the chemohammer but I know I want to stay as physically/mentally active as possible to reduce the damage and start healing as much as I can.

--> Just a few parts away from having everything for an electronics project. Will report results, if any.

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