Movie Schedule

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cytube: -

Last Week: I've stopped updating this but the stream is still active.

we chill - Month ##, Year.
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See you Friday!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Snoop attacks 4chan

PCfagTnFzA was doing a good job screen-capping that crazy stupidity, but the threads started 404'ing because a bunch of retards thought posting it over and over would make it even more hilarious. He worked hard, so I decided to keep his caps here for posterity's sake. Hopefully the morons who fucked it up for everyone will stop posting Snoop and making it even worse. You know who you are.

Okay, apparently the site is a faggot and re-sized everything. I'll upload onto fileserve or something in a sec.

EDIT: Here's your screencaps. Now let the thing die in peace.
---> <---

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