Movie Schedule

Tox ID: -
cytube: -

Last Week: I've stopped updating this but the stream is still active.

we chill - Month ##, Year.
- x
- x
- x
- bonus?


See you Friday!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Opening Post

I will update the style on this eventually, but I just wanted to get it up for practical reasons; it will be updated weekly with movie schedule(s) for the Fridays I stream. The schedule can be found at the top of the page along with the link.

Now that that is out of the way, filling this with something of more substance would be nice, so I will introduce you to my drawing instructor, Nat Jones, whom we enjoy the company of every Thursday afternoon. However, as a fellow artist and someone who despises having their picture taken/published, I will cover him up and he shall heretofore be represented by a friendly scribble who happens to go by the same name.

I didn't have the heart to cover his dreads. Look at those things.  God damn, even his beard has them.  I swear they are magical.

Our head honcho, Owen Brierly, contacted him and he agreed to come and teach us what he knew. Working away from home on several projects, teaching us a class, and dealing with a new baby would make most snap but despite the obvious lack of sleep he manages to keep a pleasant, almost chipper demeanor that leaves me feeling quite content when riding the bus home so I can head to work to have my HP drained again. Mr. Jones claims he has little to no idea what he is doing insofar as teaching classes, but I suppose I have learned a few things (mostly about the industry).

While we complete whatever assignment he provides, he will either stand at the front of the class or pace around the tables regaling us with tales of both amusement and horror, mostly about his interactions with crazed fans. It is one of the more enjoyable lessons I experience on a weekly basis; likely I will spend the rest of my time trying to outdo him, or at least match him in some way. Artist's Curse. Until then, we will continue faffing about by having Nat draw silly lady zombies and their brain-in-a-jar boyfriends on white boards and telling him to take a nap.


A masterpiece.


  1. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE STREAM! I've never felt so connected to a fandom. So many emotions!

  2. Good OP. Best form.

  3. you know nat jones? also can we ask for you to play certain movies here?
