Movie Schedule

Tox ID: -
cytube: -

Last Week: I've stopped updating this but the stream is still active.

we chill - Month ##, Year.
- x
- x
- x
- bonus?


See you Friday!

Showing posts with label shit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shit. Show all posts

Friday, July 8, 2011

My Internet is Retarded

Due to a problem with my internet, I probably won't be streaming this week. Also, I think someone was fucking around on my IP, and I think I know who if that is the case. Sorry, guys.

IGNORE THAT. But now it seems that I was somehow banned last night from 4chan for something (a banned word?) even though I went to sleep after browsing /co/ for a while. It's possible the same person was responsible for this idiocy.

Edit:!/RedBeastMusic He changed it back.