Movie Schedule

Tox ID: -
cytube: -

Last Week: I've stopped updating this but the stream is still active.

we chill - Month ##, Year.
- x
- x
- x
- bonus?


See you Friday!

Friday, October 14, 2016

Blog Updates - Oct

The last little while has been super shitty, and I haven't had much to add in the way of actually showing you progress other than linking the test blog. The stream has been getting new monthly banners, as well as appropriate avatars and background colors now. If you're wondering what I've been doing, I've been on-and-off fucking with this trying to get it to display background images along with colors.

That said, there's a beta style switcher up (at the top of the movie lists on the right-hand side). It's not a theme picker like what I'm gonna eventually add and it unfortunately relies on js right now, but it's a means of user-side customization that allows you to fuck with individual elements as you like. It affects background color, text color and size, and gives a number of font options. As of right now, it only affects the main page, not the sidebar widgets due to the way Blogger is structured (that'll come in the future) and titles (because I haven't added in their CSS class yet). The reset button doesn't seem to be working at the moment, gonna guess it's because a function isn't being called properly or maybe I deleted a bracket somewhere, who knows. For now, just refresh the page if you wanna go back to the classic. Lemme know if you encounter any issues with it not functioning as intended on your browser so I can look into why.

For the final(?) version, I'd like to have set themes up, with pre-picked palettes, images, link and text colors, fonts, and so on that will affect the entire page. IDEALLY, I'd like it to not use js so people who block scripting will still be able to have some customization. However, I will likely also leave up the option to change things individually since I like me some user options. Feedback on whether local storage should be included will also be taken into account.

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