Movie Schedule

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Last Week: I've stopped updating this but the stream is still active.

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See you Friday!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Confessions and Acceptance

I have joked on and off about this, using the term in a hyperbolic manner. However, now is the time to accept what I have come to realize over time. I am a bibliophile. It is not a bad thing to be, but it is something. Something to ponder.

...It isn't a big deal, actually. More along the lines of, "oh, this is a thing and I am part of it". I just needed something to put here because I neglect this blog worse than rappers neglect common sense with dental work.

Seriously, some people should not be allowed to buy diamonds.


  1. does a person EAT with those things?
    I guess they are good for getting extra iron in your system:

    I suppose they are also handy for intimidating those pesky spies that keep bothering your boss when he's trying to work on his evil schemes.

    As for the bibliophile revelation, accepting is the first step, the next one is shelf space, lots and lots of shelf space.

  2. is your book collection as fucking huge as your movie one?

  3. Collections are great.

    It gets worse when you start drooling over places that look amazing to read in.

    Me again, have been meaning to get into one of your shows but it involves me staying up preeeetty late to get in. And yeah, I am following your blog :)
